Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An award?

Patricia in WA gave me a blog award! I'm very flattered, and glad she enjoys my little odd ball blog. So now I get to pick five blogs (only five!) that I enjoy reading and think you might enjoy too. So here goes...

1. Not sure I can award Patricia back, but then I've never been one to like too many rules, so P' your the first; Classical Education Our Way

2.Next is Lorna at Socks and Boots I love learning about her family and their travels.

3. Rosie at Dragons in the Flower Bed I can almost smell the crisp upstate New York air, and see all those leaves turning red and gold.

4. Kat at Sunshine and Lemonade She lets me know I'm not alone in these peachy state.

5. Pages Turned She is witty and smart, and a pure joy to read.

I have many more blogs I love to.. see them in my side bar and enjoy!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Making the choice...

The Libertarian Case for Obama

Seven potential upsides to a hope-monger presidency

Terry Michael | September 19, 2008

For those who recognize that "libertarian Democrat" is no more oxymoronic than "libertarian Republican," a solid case can be made for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as a Leader of the Free World who won't take that American Exceptionalism conceit as seriously as "Country First" Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

Sure, we'll have to endure four or even eight years of warbling by Barbra Streisand at White House dinners. And I am under no illusions: Obama has more Populist-Progressive than Madisonian inclinations. But, guys and gals, Ms. Wasilla is no less stomach-churning than Babs. And the actual Republican presidential candidate is even more authoritarian than his Progressive hero, Teddy Roosevelt. John McCain is no friend of Friedman.

Thus, seven reasons libertarians can hope for the best from Obama.

1. Sen. Obama has met at least one war he doesn't love. His early pronouncements against the criminal enterprise in Iraq are enough reason, in themselves, to vote his way on November 4. Anyone paying the least attention must conclude that Lt. McCain's "cause greater than self" always involves the Army, the Navy, and the United States Marines (not necessarily in that order.)

2. The election of an African-American will end liberal racism as we know it. If an overwhelmingly white nation chooses a black leader, the Jesse Jacksons and other Mau Mauers for identity-based group preferences will be put out of business, as I explained here.

3. One word: Osmosis. You couldn't live in Hyde Park or teach at the University of Chicago with the intellectual curiosity of a Barack Obama without gaining at least some understanding of libertarian economics. That can't be said for most of the reactionary left-liberal wing of the Democratic Party dominating Capitol Hill. But I believe Obama is educable on free markets and I'm convinced that Democrats are ripe for a return in the next decade to the liberalism of our party's founder, Thomas Jefferson (I made this case two years ago in my libertarian Democrat manifesto.)

4. Obama is the best hope for keeping government out of your bedroom and away from your body. As would any Democratic standard-bearer, the senator from Illinois represents the pro-choice, pro-gay rights side of the cultural divide. And he has at least made interesting soundings about reducing America's status as the world's number one jailer, much of which is tied to drug offenses and other crimes without victims. No libertarian can feel comfortable with a Republican candidate who doesn't echo the personal choices demanded by his supposed hero, Barry Goldwater.

5. The hidden hand did well this month punishing stupidity. But libertarians committed to free markets, not corporate oligarchs, must pause to consider the need for field-leveling regulation. More precisely, we should ask whether there was sufficient enforcement of reasonable restraints already in place. We need Republicans to stand against excessive tinkering in markets, of course. But my modest retirement fund may be safer with Democratic regulators in charge than rogue elephants.

6. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Yes, we need to restore America's reputation around the world. Anybody who's traveled beyond the Atlantic and Pacific in the past eight years knows America needs a makeover. Whatever you think of Barack Obama—unless, like the mindless U!S!A! crowd, you don't care what the world thinks—he will restore much of the goodwill we have lost when he raises his hand on January 20, 2009. That's significant for libertarians who believe in the importance of the nation most committed to free markets and free minds—ours—leading by example. More-of-the-McSame in foreign policy is something we can't afford.

7. Finally, Barack Obama is smart enough to follow the aspirations of the Gen Y, Millenials, and Echo Boomers next up on the American political stage. They want choices in both their bank accounts and their bedrooms. I don't have much empirical evidence for that, though the college students I teach suggest that such libertarian leanings are on the rise. After all, a generation growing up with an explosion of mega-data-informed choices literally at its keyboard fingertips will resemble the self-sufficient, liberty-loving founders of the Agrarian Age more than they'll resemble the social welfare liberals of the Industrial Era who gave us one-size-fits-all central authority mandates.

The oldest candidate in American history won't inspire such potentially libertarian change—but the senator from Illinois can. It's change in which you and I can believe, whether or not we believe in any candidate, including Barack Obama.

Terry Michael is Director of the non-partisan Washington Center for Politics & Journalism and former press secretary for the Democratic National Committee. He blogs at

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Images from my old home...

My youngest brother is off in NYC taking classes in photography. He's working with one of the head photographers from WNET. I'm so excited for him. Here are a couple pix he sent from the old Big Apple.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Playing with my new toy.

One of my brothers got me a cool camera for my b'day. My other brother got me PS CS3! So much to learn, so little time.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Looks like...

I will be living with Princess Buffy for a while. The play is cast, and Mac got the part of airhead Pricess Buffy. She is described as, nauseatingly sweet and cheerful. The perfect princess! Think “Enchanted” times ten. Sounds like a lovely few months, as she delves into her character. Living with an actor, help me!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Not sure what to say...

I have not posted in a while. We started our fall full tilt schedule and I find my mind is mush by the end of the day. Blogging requires some thought, or maybe not. Anyway, Mac has started back up with CCYP. She auditioned last Thurs and hopefully we will hear word about her part tomorrow afternoon. So, I close this less than exciting bit with my buddies and their blank expression. I send it off to John McCain and his amazingly bizarre choice of Sarah Palin. Seems she will be absent from the Sunday morning news shows. Wonder how long they can continue to hide her from the press.