Our last project for spring quarter was a cuff bracelet. I made one in honor of our geckos (Fatima, Zaphire, and Sabra). It's a bit too gothic for me, almost Wonder Woman meets the Afghan hills. But it was fun, silly, and labor intensive (lots of sanding due to fire scale). I wonder what the summer quarter will bring?
You made that? Wow lady! You have talent. So you are teaching this to your peeps?
Now different question... is that a tan you are sporting??!! Not at all fair if you ask me... we are rusting here in Washington! lol
That is really cool! I like!
And I don't mean to respond to Lisa on your blog but she really means we are frosty rust out here....and yes, by now, I would totally be tanned. Totally not fair!
Great work lady!!!
Make sure you wear that thing if you're ever going downtown... you never know when you may need to fend off a stray bullet ;-).
Ooh! I lovelovelove it... covetcovetcovet! :D
Wow that is very neat!
Tan? What's a tan?
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