Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday... Copper, not just for pipes


Paula said...

Very Creative! And I was simply hoping for copper plumbing.

Katy said...

I've always wanted to make jewelry! Very nice!

the striped rose said...

I like it! Very nice.


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am soooo behind in my blog reading. A few years ago, I was channel surfing and came upon some public access channel with a woman petitioning the Dekalb county government. She wanted permission to put up a privacy fence around the perimeter of her house...even though it violates codes. You can't have one in front of your house.

She argued that she needed the protection. That theives had come in...burrowed under her house...and stolen ALL her copper wiring and pipes from UNDERNEATH her house.

Can you imagine? "Hey honey...why isn't the water working?!"

Lisa~ said...

Very cool.... you are the crafty, talented type aren’t ya? *Ü*


Redefining Paradise- Rachel said...

Love the copper......thanks for checking my blog from WTM for me. I liked checking your blog out and grabbed the Netflix and Library Thing glad I came to look. Nice job!