Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Then and Now


RockerMom said...

Things change so quickly! Atlanta has gotten HUGE since we moved to the South.

Anonymous said...

Boy, have things changed! Love the pics.

Ruskin said...

Wow, life has become so fast in such a short time.
We seem to love the car here in the UK too, despite spend most of the time in traffic jams.

Melissa said...

Wow! A great then/now pairing.

the striped rose said...

Wow! Times they are a'changing! I posted an Atlanta WW too! Maybe you know the names of the buildings?

the striped rose said...

Wow! Times they are a'changing! I posted an Atlanta WW too! Maybe you know the names of the buildings?

Paula said...

Wow, what a change. We had a station wagon like the one in the first pic.

And why are all those silly people going in one direction on the interstate. Look the other side of highway is much clearer. :)