Tuesday, December 17, 2013


After chatting with an old friend, she suggested that I start a blog, of sorts, about the music that I listen to. I can't fathom life without music - it's the soundtrack to my day, the cream in my daily cup of java. So, here I am reviving my old Blogger (Tumblr was not cooperating) and giving the idea a whirl. 

I could just start rattling off the names of bands and musician I suggest, but that would be pretty dry. So, instead I will try to group a few artists at a time, and share either which songs or albums of theirs I love. I will start with a few of my current favs from this year.

I first heard Alt J a little over a year ago, and they have been in heavy rotation in the B'man household ever since. There's not song on their debut LP, An Awesome Wave, that I don't love. The mesh of literary influences and rich sounds, both human and instrumental, make for a treat. From what I hear, they are actually popular! Yup, some of that cream rising to the top for a change. 

Another band I have listen to a lot this year is Stateless. They only have two LP's to their name, but both are well worth a listen. 
Next is Sarah Jaffe. Having to girls has always pushed me into fining good music by women. From birth, both liked the female voice better. And while I had lots of female artists in my collection of tunes, it was neither enough. There's just so much Tori Amos one can listen to. She has two LP's out, and both are very different, and well worth a listen.  

This is just a taste so far... I will need to plan this better! At least this is a start. 

1 comment:

ctstrauss said...

Great job, Jenny! Yes, Alt J is getting commercial radio play now, but I had never heard this song before. Loved it! Will also go in search of more Stateless. All of this was wonderful. BTW, speaking of the quest for female artists, two of my favorites right now are Cat Power and Rachel D'Arcy. Will have to seek out more Sarah Jaffe now, too :) Thanks!