I was tagged my Mama Peep
What's on your desk?
RULES: You can tell a lot about a person by the state of their desk and what they keep on it. So, share what's on your desk. You can take pictures, take an inventory, or do both. Don't have a desk? That's okay, just give us a glimpse into the space where you pay bills, write letters, grade papers, study, or work on the computer.
When you've finished your photos or inventory, post it on your blog and tag five more people to do the same. Don't forget to share the rules with those you tag and ask them to share their posts with you when they are done.
My Desk has books for Mac's reading for 7th, cd's, bills, maps, to-do lists, photo paper, copier, sharpies, and I think the kitchen sink! All is tied together with my little macbk, which I love.
I'm not sure who to tag, so instead, if you read this... your it :-)